Before buying trucking insurance, it is best to do your homework; we all would in an ideal world. Purchasing a commercial truck insurance policy can often be difficult for truckers who are extremely busy driving a truck and ensuring that freight moves across the country safely. So take some time to review the following points on buying truck insurance from Thomas Wilson Group, LLC. We can help you save time and money on commercial truck insurance by shopping for your coverage with us.
Companies that insure tractor-trailers are not equal. Typically, most truck insurance companies sell their policies through an independent retail insurance agent, and this relationship is frequently facilitated through a wholesale insurance broker or managing general agent (MGA). But some truck insurance companies chose to work directly with a retail agency through a direct contract.
At Thomas Wilson Group, we are currently directly contracted with four truck insurance companies, and we are always looking to add more direct relationships to help our customers further for a combined 20 markets.
Commercial truck insurance is a specific niche industry, and not all insurance companies that provide coverage to motor carriers are the same. It is rare for an insurance company to provide coverage exclusively to a niche market. However, while most truck insurance companies offer coverage for motor carriers in addition to their other commercial lines, some companies only provide coverage to truckers. These companies are often preferred markets that offer superior claims handling and trucking-specific expertise. Even within the trucking insurance industry, there are some insurance companies to specialize in different niches within the trucking industry. For example, some insurance companies will specialize in providing truck insurance coverage tailored to specific lines of coverage like Motor Truck Cargo, General Liability, Auto Liability, or Physical Damage. Others will only look to insure fleets, heavy haul trucking companies, independent owner-operators, or hazmat hauling trucking companies.
This leads to likely the most important decision when shopping for truck insurance: Find a company specializing in the trucking industry.
Why is that important? Because your typical commercial insurance agent likely will not have the contacts or experience in trucking to properly provide adequate service for your trucking company. Not all insurance is the same, and just because someone writes commercial truck insurance does not mean they know what they are doing regarding trucking insurance. Even those knowledgeable about commercial auto insurance may not know commercial trucking insurance.
Once semi-trucks are involved, all other insurance knowledge should be left at the door because the needs and requirements of trucking insurance are tremendously different. A truck insurance specialist would know the difference between a for-hire motor carrier and a leased owner-operator. A non-specialist may not understand the USDOT MCS-90 endorsement or the filing requirements needed to authorize an authority. Example: "I need to haul UIIA freight." Not all commercial truck insurance companies write that coverage. They may be less expensive, but when you attempt to enter or contact your agent to add the freight, the insurance company cannot write your account if you seek that coverage added.
Finding the right insurance agent and insurance company specializing in commercial truck insurance is crucial to your company's success and peace of mind. The trucking industry is highly specialized, and you should only put your trust in those with experience in the industry. Thomas Wilson Group, LLC is proud to work with thousands of truckers across the country just like you. We pride ourselves on our experience and expertise in trucking insurance and always look for the best insurance company partner for our insureds.
If you want to partner with Thomas Wilson Group for your commercial truck insurance needs, please contact us anytime! We would appreciate the opportunity to earn your business for years to come!